What Should I Do If I Have a Toothache?

what should I do If I have a toothache

If you are in pain, we are here for you. Sooner or later, most people experience a toothache. Sometimes it may be a throbbing pain centered around one tooth, or it could be a more generalized ache. If you are currently experiencing either of these, you may wonder, “what should I do If I have…

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Why Does My Tooth Hurt When I Drink Something Cold?

Key Takeaways: Tooth Sensitivity Indicates Underlying Issues: Tooth sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures is often a sign of underlying dental problems such as enamel erosion, receding gums, cracks in teeth, tooth decay, or abscesses. Common Causes of Tooth Sensitivity: Several common factors contribute to tooth sensitivity, including tooth grinding (bruxism), receding gums due to…

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My Tooth Hurts When I Chew. Why?

my tooth hurts when I chew

Key Takeaways: Understanding the Significance of Pain: Pain in your tooth when chewing is a signal that something is wrong. Similar to how pain alerts you to danger like touching a hot stove, dental pain indicates an issue that needs attention. Range of Possible Causes: There are various reasons why a tooth might hurt when…

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Tooth Injury Symptoms: What You Need to Know

Tooth injury symptoms

Tooth injuries are not always as obvious as a missing or dislodged tooth. Injury may occur in portions of the tooth that you cannot see. To avoid losing your tooth permanently, or if you are worried from your Cracked or Chipped Tooth, know the most common tooth injury symptoms, and what to do when they…

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How Do You Treat an Abscessed Tooth?

how do you treat an abscessed tooth

Sometimes patients ask, “how do you treat an abscessed tooth?” If you are asking that question, we hope this post will be reassuring. With prompt, professional care, a dental professional or endodontist can effectively treat an abscessed tooth. Any painful dental concern requires professional care, and this blog post is no substitute. It isn’t intended…

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What are the top reasons for tooth pain?

reasons for tooth pain

Has a toothache or other pain ever kept you up at night? Pain often calls attention to a dental or medical issue that needs addressing. There are many possible reasons for tooth pain; in each case, your dentist is your first point of contact in relieving the pain. Tooth pain is more than just a…

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